Here is a brief description of myself. I am 33 years old. Live in Pueblo, Colorado, unfortunately. I work in Colorado
Springs. I dont mind the drive. Actually, I kind of perfer it. I am currently single. I am 5 foot 10 inch. And, lets just
say I am a BHM. If you dont know what a bhm is, go find out for yourself. It is good to find out things for yourself instead
of having someone tell you.
Just some of my favorite things to do include, golf, sporting events, concerts, movies, poker and many many more.
Jammin' with my friend's band
Get down! BABY!
Just one of my many enjoyments in life! Singing and jammin' with the Kuzin's band.
Blazing Saddles. The Terminator series. Caddyshack. UHF. Star Trek. Pink Floyd's The Wall. Plus so many more.
Radio talk show hosts
Rush Limbaugh. Jim Rome. Phil Hendrie. Bob and Tom. Micheal Savage.
Musical bands and Performers
Alabama, Lynard Skynard. George Strait. Montgemery Gentry. Toby Keith. Charlie Daniels. Old Metallica. Ozzy Osbourne.
Judas Priest. Iron Maiden.
My taste in music vary widely.